Redesigned Basics of Buddhism Class

The Rime Center is pleased to announce that with the help and input of the Dharma facilitators Sergio Moreno and Andrea Duloc, Lama Matthew has redesigned the Basics of Buddhism class. The class has been shortened to 8 weeks instead of the original 12 weeks. With the new format the class will begin at 7 pm and use the Wednesday group meditation as part of the class. This will provide opportunity for the facilitators and participants to cover the discussion topics. The other change to the class is to have more in-class group activities rather than just discussion. The final change is that the class will be using Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo’s book. Into the Heart of Life. Topics covered in the class will be the meditation workshop, Life of the Buddha and spread of Buddhism, Impermanence, Karma, Suffering and Refuge, the Eight Worldly Concerns, Renunciation, and Bodhichitta. As this is the first time having the class in the new format the Rime Center would like to invite those who have attended before to join the class again after which your feedback will be solicited.