38th Annual World Peace Meditation

The Rime Buddhist Center will host the 38th Annual World Peace Meditation, an interfaith gathering on December 31, at 6:00 a.m. (*please arrive by 5:30 a.m.). The program will consist of religious observances from various cultures and faith traditions including Native American smudging, Tibetan Buddhist chanting and meditation, Sufi whirling, devotional music, and the Muslim “call to prayer.” Members of the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council will offer a prayer for peace from each of their faith traditions.

The event will be in-person at St. Marks Hope and Peace Lutheran Church. This event is free and open to everyone.

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Upcoming Class: 108 Day Bodhisattva Challenge

January 3, 2024 @7:45pm

This challenge will be practice intensive for those who want to apply their understanding of Bodhicitta with daily practice. We welcome new students who are looking to learn about the Bodhisattva Mind Training and how to apply it to their Buddhist path, as well as experienced students who have insights to share. This event will be in-person with an online option available. Read more…