Unless otherwise noted, all classes meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:45pm – 9:00pm, with an optional meditation from 7:00pm – 7:30pm. Except for the Meditation Workshop all classes are online and use Zoom for the meetings.
Use the registration link in the class description to register and pay for classes. If you have questions about a specific class, contact info@rimecenter.org.
These classes are available to EVERYONE. We have “Suggested Fees,” however pay whatever you can afford for the class. Everyone is welcome! It is our hope that some will pay more to cover those who can’t afford the usual fee. We simply want everyone to have access to these wonderful classes.
Latest Past Events
Doshas and Dharma: An Āyurvedic Guide to Unlocking your Higher Calling
Rime Buddhist Center 2939 Wayne Ave, Kansas CityUnderstanding your Ayurvedic doshas is a profoundly powerful tool for understanding who and what you are here to do on this planet. From tuning in to your natural energy levels to tapping into your natural skills and abilities, this foundational … Continue reading
Āyur-What?: An Intro to Ayurveda to Support Your Health and Spiritual Awakening
OnlineFrom Oprah to Deepak Chopra, it seems like EVERYONE is talking about Ayurveda, but most people don’t know what it really is or how to use it effectively. Join Āyurvedic Practitioner and Siddha Labs CEO Amaya Shiva for this illuminating … Continue reading