Upcoming Class: Working With Tantric Sadhanas & Q&A with Lama Matt

September 15, 2021

Have you received empowerment from a teacher and asked to do a sadhana practice, but you are unsure what it all means? In this online pop-up course Lama Matt will introduce you to the practice of the three samadhis. Lama Matt will also hold space for questions that you might be having with your personal sadhana practice. Read more…

Black and Buddhist: A Book Discussion

August 4, 2021 @ 7:45 pm

The Rime Center’s Social Justice Committee is proud to sponsor a 4 week discussion on Black and Buddhist. We will be discussing the book Black and Buddhist, which brings together a powerful collection of writings from African American teachers who are from all the major Buddhist traditions, as they tell their stories of how race and Buddhist practice have intersected in their lives. Read more…

Trans Buddhist Voices

June 3 @ 7:30 pm

The Rime Center’s Rainbow Body Meditation Group is proud to sponsor a four week discussion on Trans Buddhist Voices. The class will be discussing the book Transcending, which brings together more than thirty contributors from both the Mahayana and Theravada traditions to present a vision for a truly trans inclusive Buddhist sangha in the twenty-first century.  Read more…

108 Day Bodhisattva Challenge

Begin the New Year with the 108 Day Bodhisattva Challenge. This challenge will be practice intensive for practitioners who want to apply their understanding of Bodhicitta with daily practice. We welcome new students who are looking to learn about the Bodhisattva Mind Training and how to apply it to their Buddhist path, as well as experienced students who have insights to share. Kick-off is Jan 1st at 7:45pm. Read more…