Meditation has been proven to: lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and help you cope with anxiety. It has also been shown to be very effective with chronic pain, insomnia, and panic disorder. The wonderful thing about meditation is that it can be used anywhere, even on the way to work and has no dangerous side effects. In this one session class you will learn this simple technique that can change your life. This class is based upon the work of Jon Kabat-Zin of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. Continue reading
Mahayana Sutra Studies
Around one hundred Mahayana sutras survive in Sanskrit or Tibetan translations. Mahayana sutras are passed down as the legacy of Gautama Buddha: early versions were not written documents but orally preserved teachings said to be verses that were committed to memory and recited by his disciples, in particular Ananda, which were viewed as a substitute for the actual speech of the Buddha following his death. We will study these rich Buddhist teachings.
Basics Of Buddhism
Have you always wanted to understand Buddhism? Buddhism is a 2,500 year old tradition that teach us how to end pain and suffering in ourselves and others. This 12 week course will cover: (1) Meditation instruction, (2) Life of the Buddha, (3) Basic Buddhist teachings, (4) Three schools of Buddhism and much more.
Instructor: Lama Chuck Stanford
Dates & Times: 12 Sessions, beginning on Wednesday, June 10, 7:45 – 9:00 p.m.
Class Fee: $15 class fee (for the entire twelve week course); $20 text fee
Ocean of Wisdom Book Club
The book club meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. and is open to anyone who would like to participate. The plan is to study one book by H.H. Dalai Lama for a month and then select another book by His Holiness. Our next book to study is : “Stages of Meditation.” Copies of this text will be available in Rime Gift Shop. Sign up sheet on the literature table. For more information contact Sergio Moreno at
Refuge Vows, Sunday, May 3
Taking refuge in the three jewels is a strict prerequisite for any kind of relationship with the Buddhist teachings. The objects of refuge are the: Buddha, Dharma & Sangha (also known as the precious triple gem) grant protection to the spiritual seeker. The refuge ceremony is when one “officially” becomes Buddhist. The act of taking refuge is a declaration of one’s intention to follow the Buddhist path. The format will consist of two teachings sessions each preceded by 15 minute meditation sessions, and ending with the refuge ceremony. As part of the refuge ceremony one is also given a new refuge name. No fees but dana to the teacher is suggested.
Instructor: Lama Chuck Stanford
Dates & Times: One Session; Sunday, May 3rd, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
(potluck, please bring dish to share)
Class Fee: No fees, but dana (donation) to the teacher suggested.
Prerequisite: None
Images of Enlightenment
The bold colors, strange creatures and exquisitely beautiful beings of Tibetan art are images that illustrate the path to enlightenment. In this class we will explore the powerful symbolism of thangka paintings, statues and ritual objects of Tibetan Buddhism. This class will focus on some of the most important and representative images and will introduce the student to the tradition of spiritual self-transformation embodied by the Tibetan images of enlightened energy.
Instructor: Jack Nelson
Six Sessions: beginning Monday on April 6th
Times: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Class Fee: $15.00
Text fee: $24.95
Pre-requisite: Completion of Basics of Buddhism