Trans Buddhist Voices

June 3 @ 7:30 pm

The Rime Center’s Rainbow Body Meditation Group is proud to sponsor a four week discussion on Trans Buddhist Voices. The class will be discussing the book Transcending, which brings together more than thirty contributors from both the Mahayana and Theravada traditions to present a vision for a truly trans inclusive Buddhist sangha in the twenty-first century.  Read more…

Letter From Birmingham Jail Project

Tuesdays – Jan. 26, Feb. 2 and Feb. 9

The Letter from Birmingham Jail 2021 Project will involve hundreds of individual religious leaders, community activists and dozens of groups from across the nation. The 3-week series of virtual gatherings (Webinars) will center on one of Dr. King’s greatest statements concerning racial justice in America. Find out more…

Happy New Years!

Today begins the 108 Day Bodhisattva Challenge. With the start of a new year, Kalu Rinpoche reminds us to start at home.

If we can practice bodhicitta, develop patience, and pacify all disharmony in our own home, then we have prepared the way leading to the development of limitless bodhicitta. If, on the other hand, we cannot maintain patience and harmony in our own home with our own family, then it is very unlikely that we will be able to do this with respect to all sentient beings, who are infinite in number. – Kalu Rinpoche