Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 10:30 AM – 12 PM
Lama Matthew will be giving Lay Pratimoksha vows Sunday September 15th during the Sunday Service. The pratimoksha vows or vows of ‘individual liberation’ mainly emphasize disciplining one’s physical behavior and not harming others. Pratimoksha discipline is called the foundation of Buddhism because for ordinary people physical discipline is the beginning of spiritual training and the basis of spiritual progress.
The lay vows consist of taking the five lay vows which are: 1) not to kill, 2) not to steal, 3) not to lie, 4) not to commit sexual misconduct, and 5) not to take any intoxicants. Lama Matthew will give a short teaching about the vows followed by the pratimoksha ceremony. After the service we will have a potluck, so please bring dish to share. Lama Matthew asks that those who plan to take the vows have previously taken their Refuge Vows. There is no fee to take the vows but dana to the preceptor is suggested. If you plan to take the vows sign up on the Rime Center’s website.