#GivingTuesday is an online movement to create a national day of giving at the beginning of the holiday season. On Tuesday, November 29, 2016, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and give.
TWELVE ways to support the Rime Buddhist Center this holiday season:
* Spread the word about Rime – our work to achieve peace through compassion, our teachings, the excellent Gift Shop. One easy way to do this is to “like” our posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and share information with your followers as well.
* Make a one-time tax-deductible donation to support our Buddhist Center and our Tibetan Institute of Studies.
* Volunteer to teach the dharma to prison inmates.
* Check with your employer to find out if they have a matching gift program to double your donation.
* Volunteer on one of our committees. Email our membership coordinator for additional details.
* Set up a recurring monthly tax-deductible donation to support our efforts year-round.
* Donate non-perishable food items to distribute to the homeless here in Kansas City.
* Set up Amazon Smile to support Rime Buddhist Center before doing all of your online holiday shopping.
* Purchase an item from our Gift shop.
* Ask your friends or loved ones to make gifts to Rime Buddhist Center in your honor this holiday season, rather than exchanging gifts.
* Give a donation to our fund to support Tibetan refugees.
* Create a crowd-sourcing page using sites such as CrowdRise or Indiegogo to raise money for the Rime Center and/or our Tibetan refugee scholarship fund. Email Lama Matt for additional information on how to get this started.